Category Management

A category is a way of defining common schema (and optionally, attribute values) for a group of products instead of having to define them at a product level.

Defining a category for products is not mandatory, but recommended.

Schema Object

A schema object defines the schema to be followed by a product or a category. This puts restrictions on possible values of the attributes. For example, in a schema, you may want to keep product_sku as unique for all products in a category.


This is a list of attribute groups that should be unique. See below for examples.


This is a string with a constant value "object".

Examples of schema

  1. product_sku should be unique
    "unique": [
    "type": "object"
  1. Combination of product_sku and client_id should be unique

        "unique": [
        "type": "object"
  2. Combination of product_sku and client_id should be unique and ql_code should also be unique

        "unique": [
        "type": "object"

Category Object

Catagory object represents the schema and common attributes for all products defined under that category.


This is a string representing the id of the catalog this category belongs to.


This is a string representing the unique id of this category.


This is an optional string description of the category.


This is a Schema Object that defines the schema that this category’s products will follow.


This is an object which can hold arbitrary key-value pairs related to this category.



This is an object which can hold arbitrary key-value pairs which will automatically copied down as attributes of the products under this category, unless overridden at the product level.

Category Sample JSON

    "clientCategoryId": "1",
    "clientCatalogId": "10",
    "description": "Category description",
    "schema": {
        "unique": [
        "type": "object"
    "categoryAttributes": {
        "attr1": "value1",
        "attr2": "value2"
    "attributes": {
        "status": "ACTIVE"