Warning: This document is for an old version of Grey Matter. The latest version is v10.1.0.

Pick + Pack Service Request

Pick + Pack Service Request is used when both picking and packing has to be done by the GreyMatter system.

Create a PickPack Request

POST /api-gateway/sr-service/platform-srms/service-request

To create a new pick+pack service request, a Service Request Object should be sent in a HTTP POST request to the above endpoint. The newly created or modified object will be returned in the response if the request is successful.

Pick+Pack requests should have the type parameter set to PICK.

Request Headers:
  • Content-Type – the request’s content-type has to be passed in this header
  • Accept – the response content type depends on Accept header
  • Authorization – OAuth token to authenticate
Status Codes:
Example request:
POST /api-gateway/sr-service/platform-srms/service-request HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json, text/javascript
    "externalServiceRequestId": "Pick Order 1",
    "type": "PICK",
    "serviceRequests": [{
        "externalServiceRequestId": "Order_Line_1",
        "type": "PICK_LINE",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": [{
                "products": [{
                    "productQuantity": 10,
                    "productAttributes": {
                        "filter_parameters": [
                            "product_sku = 'SKU 1'"
        "attributes": {
            "shipping_address": "XYZ",
            "carrier_label_url": "http://localhost",
            "packing_box_id": "PB1",
            "packing_box_type": "S1",
            "order_number": "O1"
    }, {
        "externalServiceRequestId": "Order_Line_2",
        "type": "PICK_LINE",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": [{
                "products": [{
                    "productQuantity": 15,
                    "productAttributes": {
                        "filter_parameters": [
                            "product_sku = 'SKU 2'"
        "attributes": {
            "shipping_address": "XYZ",
            "carrier_label_url": "http://localhost",
            "packing_box_id": "PB2",
            "packing_box_type": "S1",
            "order_number": "O1"
    "attributes": {
        "pick_before_time": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z",
        "pick_after_time": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z",
        "order_options": {
            "bintags": [
            "priority": 1
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    "externalServiceRequestId": "Pick Order 1",
    "type": "PICK",
    "serviceRequests": [{
        "externalServiceRequestId": "Order_Line_1",
        "type": "PICK_LINE",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": [{
                "products": [{
                    "productQuantity": 10,
                    "productAttributes": {
                        "filter_parameters": [
                            "product_sku = 'SKU 1'"
        "attributes": {
            "shipping_address": "XYZ",
            "carrier_label_url": "http://localhost",
            "packing_box_id": "PB1",
            "packing_box_type": "S1",
            "order_number": "O1"
    }, {
        "externalServiceRequestId": "Order_Line_2",
        "type": "PICK_LINE",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": [{
                "products": [{
                    "productQuantity": 15,
                    "productAttributes": {
                        "filter_parameters": [
                            "product_sku = 'SKU 2'"
        "attributes": {
            "shipping_address": "XYZ",
            "carrier_label_url": "http://localhost",
            "packing_box_id": "PB2",
            "packing_box_type": "S1",
            "order_number": "O1"
    "attributes": {
        "pick_before_time": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z",
        "pick_after_time": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z",
        "order_options": {
            "bintags": [
            "priority": 1

PickPack Request Notifications

Pick Pack Start Notification

    "notification_type": "order_information",
    "version_number": "1.5.0",
    "notification_id": "unique_id_of_this_notification",
    "notification_data": {
        "state": "pick_started",
        "externalServiceRequestId": "16feb_033",
        "updatedOn": "2018-02-16T19:15:01.598",
        "createdOn": "2018-02-16T19:14:09.867",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": []
        "serviceRequests": [{
                "externalServiceRequestId": "16feb_033_01",
                "updatedOn": "2018-02-16T19:15:01.630",
                "createdOn": "2018-02-16T19:14:09.868",
                "expectations": {
                    "containers": [{
                        "products": [{
                            "productQuantity": 5,
                            "productAttributes": {
                                "filter_parameters": ["product_sku = '5001'"]
                "actuals": {
                    "containers": []
                "type": "PICK_LINE"
                "externalServiceRequestId": "16feb_033_02",
                "updatedOn": "2018-02-16T19:15:01.630",
                "createdOn": "2018-02-16T19:14:09.868",
                "expectations": {
                    "containers": [{
                        "products": [{
                            "productQuantity": 2,
                            "productAttributes": {
                                "filter_parameters": ["product_sku = '5002'"]
                "actuals": {
                    "containers": []
                "type": "PICK_LINE"
        "actuals": {
            "containers": []
        "attributes": {
            "pps_id": "1",
            "pick_after_time": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z",
            "pps_seat_name": "front_1",
            "order_options": {
                "priority": 1
            "user_name": "admin",
            "pick_before_time": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z"
        "type": "PICK"

Pick Pack Exception Notification

    "notification_type": "order_information",
    "version_number": "1.5.0",
    "notification_id": "unique_id_of_this_notification",
    "notification_data": {
        "state": "fulfillable",
        "externalServiceRequestId": "ORD_1",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": []
        "serviceRequests": [{
            "state": "fulfillable",
            "externalServiceRequestId": "ORD-1-2",
            "expectations": {
                "containers": [{
                    "products": [{
                        "productQuantity": 3,
                        "productAttributes": {
                            "filter_parameters": ["product_sku = '2002'"]
            "actuals": {
                "containers": [{
                    "products": [{
                        "productQuantity": 1,
                        "productAttributes": {
                            "pdfa_values": {
                                "product_sku": "2002"
                    "state": "complete",
                    "barcode": null,
                    "type": "VIRTUAL"
            "type": "PICK_LINE"
        "actuals": {
            "containers": [{
                "products": [{
                    "productQuantity": 2,
                    "productAttributes": {
                        "pdfa_values": {
                            "product_sku": "2002"
                "state": "item_missing/item_damage",
                "barcode": null
        "attributes": {
            "pps_bin_id": "7",
            "pps_id": "1",
            "pps_seat_name": "front_1",
            "order_options": {
                "priority": 1
            "user_name": "admin"
        "type": "PICK"

Pick Pack Complete Notification

    "notification_type": "order_information",
    "version_number": "1.5.0",
    "notification_id": "unique_id_of_this_notification",
    "notification_data": {
        "status": "complete",
        "externalServiceRequestId": "16feb_033",
        "updatedOn": "2018-02-16T19:15:01.598",
        "createdOn": "2018-02-16T19:14:09.867",
        "expectations": {
            "containers": []
        "serviceRequests": [{
            "status": "complete",
            "externalServiceRequestId": "16feb_033_01",
            "updatedOn": "2018-02-16T19:15:01.630",
            "createdOn": "2018-02-16T19:14:09.868",
            "expectations": {
                "containers": [{
                    "products": [{
                        "productQuantity": 5,
                        "productAttributes": {
                            "filter_parameters": ["product_sku = '5001'"]
            "actuals": {
                "containers": [{
                    "products": [{
                        "productQuantity": 3,
                        "productAttributes": {
                            "pdfa_values": {
                                "product_sku": "5001"
                    "state": "complete",
                    "barcode": null,
                    "type": "VIRTUAL"
            "type": "PICK_LINE"
        "actuals": {
            "containers": [{
                "products": [{
                    "productQuantity": 2,
                    "productAttributes": {
                        "pdfa_values": {
                            "product_sku": "5002"
                "state": "missing",
                "barcode": null,
                "type": "VIRTUAL",
                "containerAttributes": {}
        "attributes": {
            "pps_bin_id": "7",
            "pps_id": "1",
            "pick_after_time": "2016-09-06 09:15:00",
            "pps_seat_name": "front_1",
            "order_options": {
                "priority": 1
            "user_name": "admin",
            "pick_before_time": "2018-09-06 09:20:00",
            "olpn": "300479243308732404"
        "type": "PICK"

Pick Pack End Notification

    "packedOn": "2018-04-09T18:00:00Z",
    "products": [{
        "productQuantity": 2,
        "productAttributes": {
            "filter_parameters": ["product_sku = '5002'"]
    "externalServiceRequestId": "103747",
    "packing_box_id": "300479243308732404",
    "output_location_id": "BARCODE"